
IO-Link is a short distance, bi-directional, digital, point-to-point, industrial communications networking standard used for connecting digital sensors and actuators to either a type of industrial fieldbus or a type of industrial Ethernet.

RT-Labs provides IOLink stacks for embedded devices. Its objective is to provide a technological platform that enables the development and use of sensors and actuators that can produce and consume enriched sets of data that in turn can be used for economically optimizing industrial automated processes and operations.

Add support or development partner services

Get a team of experts to assist you! Support is provided by engineers with extensive knowledge of embedded realtime systems. Wan’t more assistance? Get a resident engineer or let RT-Labs take on a role as a complete solution provider. Our customers can be divided into three categories depending on how much one wants RT-Labs to be engaged in the project at hand.

Software Support

Get your own support person! Many times it is a bad move to address support issues as a generic service. Available with all licensed purchases.

Cooperative team

Work with us as a team member. RT-Labs is often invited to be a part of the team, together with in- house technicians or consultants contracted by the customer

Development partner

Do you need to rapidly deploy a complete solution? Do you have a set budget and want better cost control? Do you find it difficult to staff your project? Give us a call.

Call an expert

We don’t do gatekeeping! Call us to get in contact with a skilled person with several control system projects under the belt.